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hair removal cream

on experiences that you had with them in the past? I know for myself if I have had a bad experience with a product I most likely will not try it again even if friends tell me that it has been improved. This can be a bad thing however I do not like to waste money on a product that I think will not perform well.

My daughter convinced me to take a risk with a product that I had sworn I would never use again. When I was in high school there was a very popular television commercial for a hair removal cream. I loved the commercial and decided that I would try the product. My mother did not think that a hair removal cream was a good idea so she would not buy it for me. When I was a child I was given a generous allowance for cleaning the house and starting supper in the evenings when I returned home from school. The allowance was to be used for school events, movies and other activities that I wanted to go on. I could also buy things with it; however my parents paid for most of my clothing and hygiene products. I used my allowance money to by the hair removal cream. It was summer time and I was going to a pool party at a neighbor’s house so I wanted nice smooth legs. My mother knew I had bought the cream. Her only comment was to make sure that I followed the directions. I was in a hurry so I only glanced at the part of the directions that said how long to keep the product on. The product had a very strong chemical odor. I put it on my legs and then looked around for my swimsuit and did some other things. I left the product on longer than I was supposed to, but I did not think this was any big deal. I wiped it off quickly and went to the neighbor’s house. My friends were lying in the sun so I sat in the sun by them and we started talking. I sat in the sun for over a half hour when one of my friends asked me what was wrong with my legs. They were covered in rash. I went home and took a shower, but the rash lasted for three days. It was painful and because of being self conscious about the rash I wore long pants during very hot weather so a beach party. My mother looked on the bottle of the hair removal product and it said not to go out into the sun for three hours after applying it. It also said to wash it off with plenty of soap and water. I did not.

That was the only time I used the product. My daughter was telling me about using a similar product and how great her legs felt and that she did not have to shave for two weeks. I tried the product again and found that it did work very well.

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