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Hairstyles for Men With Fine Hair or Thin Hair

Hair loss and thinning can be an issue for men of almost all ages. Upwards of fifty percent of men age 50 or older experience thinning or outright hair loss. Unfortunately this condition is not just attributed to aging. Men can begin to experience hair thinning and loss as early as their teenage years. In many cases it's attributed to simple genetics. There are, however, many other factors that can cause this issue. Physical or emotional stress, poor diet, low protein intake or medications can also be contributing factors.
If you are the type of person that is not willing to simply accept hair loss there are a few things you can do. Essentially we are looking at a two step process.
  1. Step 1 - Discover the root cause and begin to work on fighting the problem. If you are experiencing this issue you should begin to treat it as soon as you start to experience the symptoms. The first step should be to go see your doctor. There are many factors that could be causing your problems from genetics to stress. The quicker you can get to the root of the problem - the better your chances of avoiding losing more hair.

  2. Step 2 - Hairstyles, haircuts and other products to conceal your loss and thinning. You may be able to achieve regrowth but you also want to hide loss and thinning in the mean time. Now we are getting to the crux of this article. What are the best hair styles to hide loss and thinning in men? What other products can you use to naturally disguise this condition? You can choose to work to achieve re-growth while disguising your loss or if you have given up on re-growth you may just consider some of the alternatives below to hide or conceal loss and thinning.
The Extreme Option - The Mr. Clean Look

If you think you can pull off the look a really easy way to deal with hair loss is to completely shave your head-The bald look. Now you don't necessarily have to go full monty with the Mr. Clean look but this look can really look great on some lucky men. If you think you can pull off the fully shaved look you can go for it on a temporary or permanent basis. If you want to eventually have your hair back you can begin treatment via internal or topical medication while you are going the bald route. Hopefully eventually you will be able to achieve regrowth at a restored level of thickness and density.

The Buzz Cut

A Second less extreme option is the shaved head with the length on the top of your head being essentially stubble to 1 inch or slightly more- The Buzz Cut. This is a much less drastic change vs. the razor shaved head and luckily enough is currently in style and a very popular way to minimize the appearance of thin hair. This style tends to blend in more closely with your scalp and so helps to eliminate the appearance of thin or thinning. It is much cleaner than a full head of hair thats thinning or has bald spots - it just looks cleaner. If you go this route, go to your local super store and buy haircut clippers. These run only about $15-$20 and will save you a ton of money in haircuts as this style will likely need to be trimmed weekly.
Short Hairstyles to Conceal Hairloss and Thinning.

In general a shorter hairstyle will reduce the appearance of hairloss and thinning. This can be an effective option regardless of whether you losing hair at the crown or have a receding hair line.

Here are a couple of popular options:

Roman Style -

This haircut involves a short crop on the entire head. You will want to have your stylist layer the hair from 1 to 2 inches. Now you want to have the bangs clipped straight across so that you can comb or pull them forward on to your forehead. This look can help with a receding hairline and can give the illusion of fullness and thickness.
The Shaggy Look -
This is the style currently being worn by famous celebrities such as Ashton Kucher, Justin Beiber and Tom Brady. This style is kept longer and is layered to create the illusion of more fullness and volume. The stylist will shag the edges to create that shaggy look and you can wear this style more messy style and sans styling gel.

Short Tapered Hair -

In this style the is kept a little longer on top and is cut short on the sided and back. When styling your hair on a daily basis you would simply use a styling cream or gel to push the hair into a pile on top of the head. This is a very hip look and the piling of your hair on top can help cover up thinning areas and creates the illusion of a lot more volume.

Hair Loss Concealer

One modern way to conceal hairloss naturally is to use hair building fibers such as 20 Second Hair. These safe and effective hairloss and thinning concealing fibers fit very nicely with all the styles mentioned above. The fibers come in colors that match your own natural hair and are statically charged to attach themselves to your existing hair and create the illusion of much more fullness and thickness.

They are a 100% safe and premium secret blend of coloring pigments and statically charged particles that cling to each hair. You do need to have a little bit of hair to work with for a loss concealer to be a good alternative so if you are completely bald a better option may be hair systems or even replacement. Even if you are balding but not completely bald - you likely have thousands of fine diffuse vellus hairs on your head. The 20 Second Hair fibers attach and cling to these as well as your existing thicker hair in a manner that allows you to "build "a natural look of fullness and thickness. Please click on http://www.20SecondHair.com to see a video with before and after of just how effective hair loss concealer can be.

Concealing hair loss in this manner has been a secret Hollywood stars for years and is just beginning to be discovered by the general public. It is an inexpensive, undetectable and cost effective way to conceal your thinning hair.

20 Second Hair is dedicated to helping people better understand the issues related to hair loss while improving our own understanding of these issues. We are hair loss sufferers and are dedicated to better understanding our own as well as others alternatives for treatment. Hair loss concealer is a wonderful cosmetic tool while to utilize while we search tirelessly for our best options to a more permanent solution. For more info on hair loss concealer visit http://www.20SecondHair.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/JJ_Harlowe/1101143


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