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How to Choose the Best Hair Stylist for Your Sedu Hairstyle?

Every now and then we have to choose something in our lives. It may be a dress, a car, or a job place. Nevertheless, all the time we want to secure ourselves from the mistakes that can ruin our good mood, or health.

Among all our choices, choosing a stylist is one of the most important. Why is it so? Because a stylist creates your image, the way people think about you when they meet you. Good stylist can help you get something, OR someone you want.

Moreover, a good stylist is always on top of the fashion news and knows all latest trends. So, if you choose a stylist correctly, you will be able to get any hair style you want, including the hottest ones, like Sedu hairstyles.

Sedu hairstyles are not only the style number-one in the spring-summer season 2006, they are extremely demanding as to the skills of the stylist. So, if you want to have Sedu hairstyle, you should have the best hairstylist you can get.

Here are some useful tips about what should you look at when choosing a stylist.

Tip #1: Ask for recommendations

The easiest way of finding a stylist is asking some one whose style you like where they have got such a brilliant haircut. People are usually so intrigued about being noticed that they are only too glad to share the information.

There are two options of asking people the address of the stylist:
1.    You may ask a friend, relative, or coworker about the stylist;
2.    You may simply bump into some one with a good haircut in the street and ask the address of their stylist.

Some people believe that friend or coworker may give you false information so that the stylist won’t slip you some of the secrets he/she have heard from your friend or coworker. But I believe that it is utter nonsense. Your friends obviously won’t tell the stylist something they haven’t already told you. In the same way, coworker knows very little about you as well as you do about him. So, there is very small possibility that you will hear bad things about you.

Moreover, good stylist should remain silent about the information he/she heard from his clients. In this meaning he/she plays the part of a priest in confession. Not to mention, that a good stylist cares about his/her reputation that includes the ability to hold their tongues.

Tip#2: Learn the salon from inside out

When you have finally found the salon, you should learn more about its staff, its services and overall reputation.

You need to do the following steps:
1.    Study the salon from outside;
2.    Look carefully how customers are treated in the salon;
3.    Learn whether the salon have some training programs for stylists to be at their top form;
4.    Try to sit in the reception area to know how the business is running;
5.    The general customer-friendly appearance is the main thing about the good salon.

Tip#3: Get personally acquainted with the stylist

Times when in the city or town was only one barber are in the misty past. Today good salon usually has from three to whatever number of stylists. All of them should have the same skills, representing the working traditions of the salon and its level of service.

Usually you should be able come to any of the stylists in the salon, and the level of the work will be the same.

There is also very simple test of the stylist’s skills. Come to a stylist when he/she isn’t doing anything and ask to show his/her razor. If it isn’t in their tool belt or on their station ready for use, turn and go.

Good stylist should have all his/her instruments at hand. This shows that he/she respects your time and his/her time, and is always ready to do the job.

Tip#4: Discuss your future haircut

When you’ve finally decided about some particular salon and have booked an appointment, you need to have a thorough consultation with the stylist about the following topics:
     Your face shape;
     Your hair type;
     Maintenance of your hair;
     Your abilities to style at home;
     What you like about your hair;
     What you don’t like about it;
     Length you’re expecting to lose during the cut.

Such keypoints indicate main difficulties you should overcome by doing a haircut. If the stylists makes 5 minute monologue about how he/she thinks you should cut your hair without listening to your thoughts, turn around and go. Don’t allow to be talked into something you don’t like.

Tip #5: Make sure you’re getting the haircut you want

When you’ve discussed the haircut and decided upon something particular, watch how the stylist makes a cut. Good stylist will automatically ask you about the length BEFORE he/she starts the cut.

If you see that the haircut appearing is not what you’ve discussed with the stylist, don’t be afraid to stop the process immediately and have another discussion. By this you secure that the stylists understands you correctly, and you will have the hairstyle you want.

If the stylists makes the same mistakes when you come for the second time, don’t hesitate and go to another salon.

Tip#6: Study your feelings during the haircut

This one is very important, as the main thing about new haircut is a good mood. You may call me superstitious, but I believe that if you feel comfortable during the haircut your hair will be healthier and stronger.

If you feel one hundred percent comfortable during the cut, and no single hair is pulled down and no water splashes ruin your make-up, then the stylist is pro and you are lucky to find him/her.

So, let’s look through our tips once more to be sure we haven’t missed something.
To find a stylist you need:
     To find s good salon;
     To look how the salon is run;
     To check customer service;
     To study carefully stylists’ skills in the salon;
     To be sure that the pre-cut discussion is dialogue where you speak and listen to some advice;
     To see that the cut is done in the way you want it look like;
     To feel comfortable during the cut.

Now you are prepared to find the best stylist possible and have the exact haircut you want. You are now entirely sure that you will have absolutely Sedu hairstyle with the skilled and professional hair stylist.

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