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Why Sunbathing Is No Match Against Self Tanning Lotion Use

Each time you want to be spotted with a lovely bronze complexion, sunbathing is not the only solution around. You can have what you want with the simple application of an excellent self tanning lotion. These days, it's the approach being favored by a lot of tan fanatics over bathing in the sun. To know the different reasons why you should follow suit, continue reading.

A lovely sun-kissed glow appears upon applying the product all over or only on parts that are exposed when you are clothed. This is possible due to the bronzer added by the manufacturer into the formulation. Additionally, this ingredient that leaves the skin stained helps you smooth the product evenly so that the resulting tan is streak-free and as realistic as possible.

It becomes trouble free to give your entire body a tan color that's consistent from head to foot. Ending up with a uniform color is easy for as long as you carefully read and follow the manufacturer's direction for use. Sunbathing makes this a feat that's challenging to obtain. That's because you have to ensure that each body part is exposed to the sun equally.

There is no need for you to look like a tomato when you get a tan indoors. Nothing is attractive about having red, patchy skin, an issue that is commonly encountered by fair skinned individuals after sunbathing. When you go for indoor tanning, this problem is not going to haunt you. Looking great starts as soon as the lotion you apply is fully absorbed by the skin.

For an entire week, the effect of sunless tanner may be enjoyed. This is something brought about by DHA, the lotion's active ingredient. Short for dihydroxyacetone, it gives skin a color that is highly similar to a real suntan the moment it comes into contact with amino acids present in dead cells. The effect gradually disappears after several days as the skin sloughs off.

Getting a tan is possible no matter the season or weather condition. An indoor tanner is capable of giving you an impressive complexion without the need to expose your skin to the sun's UV rays. Whether it's cloudy or rainy outside, there is no need to fret. Applying the product can give you the physical appearance you like without sitting under the sun for several minutes.

Dodging skin cancer is easier when you choose to tan in the comfort of your own home. Again, this is because there is no need to expose your self to those UV rays unnecessarily. Having a gorgeous tan means nothing if you are likely to end up with deadly skin cancer. You can have peace of mind that you are not endangering your life when you use a sunless tanner.

Maintaining a youthful appearance is made possible by the use of an indoor tanner. It's not just cancer of the skin that the sun's UV rays can cause but also a variety of premature aging signs like liver spots, fine lines and wrinkles. There is no use in having a stunning sun-kissed glow if everyone thinks you are already 50 years old when in fact you're just 35.

About the Author: Haywood Hunter

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