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Important Matters You Need To Know About The Sun Self Tanner Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Being spotted with a lovely skin color can be as easy as buying a bottle of an excellent tanning product and applying it on your own in the comfort of your home. These days, the Sun self tanner is admired because it is very effective in giving fake suntan fanatics a gorgeous glow. Using it allows you to have the kind of complexion you love in an instant.

Prior to ordering this highly popular UV-free tanning solution at the supermarket near you or in cyberspace, you should try to know some very important matters about it. It's a good idea to be aware of how it actually delivers results and how it is applied properly for an excellent outcome. Certainly, it's easier to put your trust in something when you are acquainted with it.

Not all indoor tanners on the current market are cut from the same cloth. This particular item from Sun Laboratories is loved by many for its outstanding formulation. What makes it impress is the all-natural active ingredient it has called DHA. Short for dihydroxyacetone, this sugar-based chemical is capable of darkening your skin upon coming into contact with dead cells.

Literally, your skin's uppermost layer is made up of dead cells. They end up brown after DHA in the UV-free tanner reacts with them. The intensity of the fake tan created depends on the concentration of DHA present in the tanning lotion you apply. For example, the ultra dark variant produces a darker color than the medium kind as there's more DHA in it.

It takes the active ingredient DHA 2 to 3 hours to give your skin an initial change in its color. The darkest possible shade it can produce shows up after about 24 to 72 hours. The lovely sun-kissed glow is yours to show off for about a full week. It is bound to fade soon enough not because of the product applied but due to the fact that the skin sloughs off periodically.

Sun Laboratories don't want you to wait for a few hours just to look great. It's exactly for this reason why the tanning lotion also contains a bronzer. This actually stains your skin right away so that you can start showing off a gorgeous sun-kissed glow. However, do take note that the color it gives you is only temporary and it can be washed off with sweat or water.

While DHA is still doing its job, it's for certain that you will notice a fishy odor being given off by your skin. Worry not because this is normal. In fact, the same thing is encountered by everyone else who is into the use of DHA-based indoor tanners. Try to avoid stepping foot in the shower 6 to 8 hours after using the lotion just to deal with the smell. It's a good thing that the product's manufacturer has added enough fragrance to minimize the odor while you are getting a fake tan.

There are a few skin preparations you need to do just before you apply the sunless tanner. They include exfoliating the skin to remove excess dead cells and shaving to prevent a blotchy outcome. Regular application of your favorite hand and body moisturizer is recommended the moment a complexion change is noticed in order to make it stay around for days.

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