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Your Best Sun Tanning Cream

By Haywood Hunter

A good sun tanning cream will melt into your skin leaving it tanned, moisturized and smooth. It has to be non-greasy and it has to dry conveniently fast. Long-lasting color has to look perfectly naturally, providing that desirable just-off-the-beach look. It has to be available in several shades you can choose from and to take very good care of your skin's health.

Maybe it sounds like it is too much to ask from a single sun tanning cream, but some of those products can really fulfill all your expectations. All you have to do is to choose the right one. The easiest way is to choose one of the products your favorite cosmetics supplier offers. If you find their other products reliable, you will be probably satisfied with this one as well.

Read reviews. Sometimes it is the best way for finding something more about different products. If so many people are satisfied with one particular sun tanning cream, it has to be good. You will find different sites dealing with this theme, and it is always wise to get a second opinion. Maybe you can learn some things that might be helpful.

You probably know someone who is using sunless tan products regularly. Ask for this person's opinion about different products. Experienced users can always give you helpful tips on choosing and using good sun tanning cream and other sunless tan products. It may help you avoid some common beginner's mistakes.

You should keep in mind that people have different skin types. What works great for someone else doesn't have to be good for you. Pale skin can never be so deeply dark as olive complexion can, and you might end up being golden bronze instead of chocolate bronze. If your skin is dry and sensitive, maybe you should try to find sun tanning cream designed for your skin type.

Although one particular substance called DHA is found in all good sunless tan products, pay your attention to other ingredients as well. DHA is sugar-based and harmless and approved by FDA, but other substances in each sun tanning cream have to be equally safe to use. Some products contain all kinds of chemicals and additives you should avoid.

Good sun tanning cream should be based on natural ingredients. It's especially important if you have skin prone to allergic reactions. If some product contains dangerous chemicals or allergens, you shouldn't use it. Organic sun tanning cream is very mild and can be used for all skin types. It is based on pure natural substances and takes care of your skin.

A good sun tanning cream contains a moisturizer, to keep your skin hydrated and soft. Some fake tan lotions smell terribly. The worst problem associated with DHA is that terrible smell occurs as a result of this bronzing process. Some manufacturers mask this smell with different fragrances, but it is still there. Using pure essential oils in sunless tan formula has far better results.

When using your sun tanning cream, make sure to read the instructions carefully. Good exfoliation is especially important. It will smooth up the skin and prepare it for applying your sun tanning cream. Use a good moisturizer daily, and remember to apply sunscreen products.

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