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Key Tips When You Want To Spray Tan At Home

By Haywood Hunter

Spray tan at home products are becoming popular by the day, thanks to their ease of use and ready availability. These are self tanning products that help someone achieve a tanning effect similar to that of conventional tanning beds, minus the high risks of contracting skin cancer as is always the case with the other tanning solutions. These products are safe and effective for use at home.

They are also readily available in supermarkets, drugstores, department stores, cosmetic shops as well as online retail stores. More and more people are finding it very convenient to purchase these products over the internet. They are self-tanning products available manufactured by different companies in the health and beauty industry.

This means you will be lost for options when shopping for self tanning products to use at home. Even so, you have to read online reviews of the different self tanning supplies so as to find the most suitable to use at home. You can only achieve your desired results when self tanning at home when you use the top rated spray tan at home products, hence the need to be more careful in your selection.

With that being said, there are several things you have to keep in mind when thinking of spray tanning at home. Products for spray tan at home should be top on your priority list. Most tanners are available in a variety of shades. The right shade should be selected based on your skin tone. If you wish to achieve a darker tone, you can always layer your spray tan at home so as to achieve a natural-looking dark tan effect.

You should also know how to go about self tanning. Many end up with dark spots on the knees and elbows because of not following manufacturer instructions when they decide to spray tan at home. The most important thing when you decide to spray tan at home is to conduct a thorough exfoliation.

Exfoliation before one starts to spray tan at home is more than doing a casual buff using a puff, sponge or a simple wash cloth. It is not something that takes two or three minutes when one is in the shower. Exfoliating the body in preparation for a spray tan at home product has to be done thoroughly.

You have to really rid yourself off those dry patches that hold onto your tan spray. Thus pay close attention to the elbows, knees and such like rough parts of the body. In case manual exfoliation is not effective, you can always result to body scrubs that contain salicylic acid.

The right approach to exfoliation when preparing to self tan at home will be to buff the dry areas in circles until they look and feel smooth. This is best done a few days before you spray tan at home. To give the skin enough room to relax. By the same token, it is often advisable that you shave as well so that the results can be even.

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